- December 16, 2023Read more...For security reasons, many retailers do not keep large amounts of cash available, so they may pay you with cash, a money order, or a combination of cash and money order. Prizes $600 or less – can be claimed at any Georgia Lottery retailer, Georgia Lottery office or by mail. However, please note...December 16, 2023Read more...According to two different guides that we spoke to the month with the lowest visitors is January (although note that the canyon closes for a couple of weeks in this period). In the warmer months the tours are almost always booked solid and you will be sharing this canyon with so many more people....December 16, 2023Read more...Players move their tokens around the board in a clockwise direction, determined by the sum of the dice roll. The game progresses through a series of turns, starting with the player who rolls the highest number on two six-sided dice. Each player chooses a token and starts with a set amount of...More Posts
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